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Cyclists wear your helmets - for protection [騎腳踏車戴安全帽,是為了保護]

OPINION: Wearing a helmet while riding a bicycle is like wearing your seat belt when driving a car.

It should be an automatic thing to do once you get the bike out of the shed. Well, you'd think so.

The number of people I see on the street without a helmet is becoming alarming, and those not wearing them are risking serious injuries should they have an accident.

I have noticed during this summer is once we're on holiday that the helmet rule does not apply especially at the beaches.

I'm not sure what the thoughts around this are, but take some time to look around your favourite holiday place next time you're there and see if I'm right.

The worst offenders are those that hang the helmet on handlebars. That's not going to save you should you be in an accident.

Here are a few reasons why you should wear a helmet.

The obvious one is that it helps reduce injury should you be in an accident. No one wants to see that but if you do crash, a helmet works to absorb the force, which protects your head, which in turn protects your brain.

Helmets work to prevent head injuries, which becomes even more important for children whose brains are still developing.

Adults, especially parents, who wear helmets when riding set a good example for kids. Children are at the highest risk of bicycle-related injuries.

Older children may be reluctant to wear helmets because they look uncool or are uncomfortable. If you don't wear one, kids will have trouble seeing the value and importance of wearing a helmet.

Riding on the road in traffic presents numerous hazards. Accidents often occur because drivers don't see the cyclist.

A bike helmet with reflective strips can make riders more visible to motorists, especially in the pre-dawn or early evening hours.

Choose a brightly coloured helmet so drivers can see you better during the day as well.

Last but not least, it avoids you from obtaining a ticket. The fine for not wearing a helmet is $55. You can buy a helmet for around $30, so you do the maths.

Whether you call it a crash cup, brain bucket or road-rash repellent, a helmet is an essential part of your cycling gear.

Wear it every time you ride your bike and reduce the chance of an injury should you crash.

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